29 سبتمبر 2024
MSF:At least 49 people have been killed in 2 deadly attacks on a residential area and a market in Khartoum, Sudan. We've treated over 100 people severely injured in the strikes. It's the deadliest weekend witnessed by our teams in Khartoum since the conflict erupted1 سنة منذ
MSF:At least 49 people have been killed in 2 deadly attacks on a residential area and a market in Khartoum, Sudan. We've treated over 100 people severely injured in the strikes. It's the deadliest weekend witnessed by our teams in Khartoum since the conflict erupted
1 سنة منذ
منظمة أطباء بلا حدود لـ"الشرق": أكثر مناطق السودان خطرا علينا هي الخرطوم
This morning, the team on GeoBarents rescued 13 people, including 2 women and 2 unaccompanied minors, who were in distress on a unseaworthy rubber boat. The survivors had spent more than 3 days at the Mediterranean sea1 سنة منذ
This morning, the team on GeoBarents rescued 13 people, including 2 women and 2 unaccompanied minors, who were in distress on a unseaworthy rubber boat. The survivors had spent more than 3 days at the Mediterranean sea
1 سنة منذ
Doctors without Borders announces that its first supply convoy was permitted into northwest Syria to help earthquake victims
Burkina Faso: two MSF employees killed in an attack by suspected jihadists
2 سنة منذ
MSF says 5 workers seized in Cameroon in February released
MSF: We urge the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) to respond to the @nytimes investigation published on 17 March. The memory of María, Tedros and Yohannes, the pain of their close relatives, friends and colleagues need solace and closure
2 سنة منذ
1/3: في العاصمة السودانية الخرطوم أمس، عملت فرق أطباء بلا حدود يداً بيد مع وزارة الصحة لمعالجة أعداد كبيرة من الجرحى خلال الاحتجاجات المستمرة في المدينة. السودان
2 سنة منذ
Refugees with 'stab wounds and beating marks separated from children' after Tripoli crackdown, says MSF
2 سنة منذ
A return to Somalia is not the solution for refugees in Dadaab, Kenya - MSF
GeoBarents has a port for disembarkation. Heading to Palermo (Italy) now to bring the 367 survivors to safety ashore2 سنة منذ
GeoBarents has a port for disembarkation. Heading to Palermo (Italy) now to bring the 367 survivors to safety ashore
Doctors Without Borders: Concerned about the impact of the clashes in Marib on Yemeni civilians
MSF: The rocket attacks on Marib are a stark example of the horrific effects on the population
"أطباء_بلا_حدود" تحذر من تدهور الواقع الطبي جراء تفشي كورونا في شمال غرب سوريا
MSF just rescued 189 people from an overcrowded, double deck wooden boat. There was limited oxygen on the lower deck. Everyone is safe on board the GeoBarents which now has 214 people3 سنة منذ
MSF just rescued 189 people from an overcrowded, double deck wooden boat. There was limited oxygen on the lower deck. Everyone is safe on board the GeoBarents which now has 214 people
تعز..قائد الشرطة العسكرية يلتقي مدير منظمة أطباء بلا حدود
3 سنة منذ
Médecins Sans Frontières has confirmed it received a letter from Ethiopia that all activities run by its Dutch section in Tigray, Gambella, Amhara and Somali regions are to be suspended for three months, effective from July 28th
MSF: Today, Israeli forces confiscated a community's trailer, which served as our mental health consultation room, in Um Qusa in Hebron province. Thread  Photo: Nasser Nawaj'ah, B'Tselem3 سنة منذ
MSF: Today, Israeli forces confiscated a community's trailer, which served as our mental health consultation room, in Um Qusa in Hebron province. Thread Photo: Nasser Nawaj'ah, B'Tselem
3 سنة منذ
MSF: In response to the killings, we have made the extremely painful but necessary decision to suspend our activities in Abi Adi, Adigrat and Axum, Tigray. Our teams in other areas of Tigray will continue cautiously to provide assistance to people in urgent need
3 سنة منذ
Ethiopia: MSF announces the death of three of its employees in an attack in Tigray
شدة القصف ودرجة العنف غير مسبوقتين، فالقذائف تأتي من كل مكان: من الطائرات في السماء، والدبابات على الأرض، والزوارق في البحر المتوسط. ما نعايشه ليل نهار هو الرعب بعينه. أيمن الجاروشة فلسطيني يعيش في غزة منذ 20 عاماً وهو منسق مشروع أطباء بلا حدود. أقرأ:3 سنة منذ
"شدة القصف ودرجة العنف غير مسبوقتين، فالقذائف تأتي من كل مكان: من الطائرات في السماء، والدبابات على الأرض، والزوارق في البحر المتوسط. ما نعايشه ليل نهار هو الرعب بعينه." أيمن الجاروشة فلسطيني يعيش في غزة منذ 20 عاماً وهو منسق مشروع أطباء بلا حدود. أقرأ:
MSF: As Israel continues its aerial and artillery bombardment of gaza many MSF staff and patients have been forced to flee their homes for safety. The damage to our clinic shows no place in Gaza is safe3 سنة منذ
MSF: As Israel continues its aerial and artillery bombardment of gaza many MSF staff and patients have been forced to flee their homes for safety. The damage to our clinic shows no place in Gaza is safe
3 سنة منذ
Medical facilities in Gaza have been damaged by Israeli strikes, including an @MSF one- the roads around al-Shifa hospital, the main hospital in the entire strip, have been hit preventing easy safe access. Two senior Palestinian doctors have been killed
3 سنة منذ
An MSF team of 3 nurses, a general doctor and a surgeon are supporting the staff in Al-Awda hospital in treating patients injured by airstrikes
Three months on and @MSF is still worried about the very limited services in the permanent camps, which are located in a very remote part of Sudan, and where many of the humanitarian needs – including shelter, water and food – are not being met3 سنة منذ
Three months on and @MSF is still worried about the very limited services in the permanent camps, which are located in a very remote part of Sudan, and where many of the humanitarian needs – including shelter, water and food – are not being met
3 سنة منذ
MSF: 1, 2, 3, 4 ships. 48h of endless search for a boat in rough seas. Zero coordination from authorities. Aftermath: 130 people feared dead. These are the tragedies happening in the Mediterranean
Clip from a new Sky News report on the war in  Tigray shows the aftermath of the horrific executions witnessed by @MSF staff3 سنة منذ
Clip from a new Sky News report on the war in Tigray shows the aftermath of the horrific executions witnessed by @MSF staff
MSF: We are horrified by the continued violence in Tigray , Ethiopia. This includes the extrajudicial killings of at least 4 men who were dragged off public buses & executed by soldiers, while our staff members were present, on Tuesday 23 March3 سنة منذ
MSF: "We are horrified by the continued violence in Tigray , Ethiopia. This includes the extrajudicial killings of at least 4 men who were dragged off public buses & executed by soldiers, while our staff members were present, on Tuesday 23 March "
3 سنة منذ
أطباء بلا حدود: قوات الجيش الإثيوبي تسيطر على أغلب المراكز الصحية في تيغراي
3 سنة منذ
أطباء بلا حدود تدين الهجمات المتعمدة على المراكز الطبية في إقليم تيغراي الإثيوبي